Here's the start of Sentai footage
Any shots of the civilians is new footage unless otherwise stated.
New footage of Fragra
These Perfume Bottles are new footage
This shot of Fragra beginning to appear, as seen on the Super Computer
Monitor is Sentai footage

New footage

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Back to Sentai
Back to new
Back to Sentai
Bck to new
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Back to Sentai
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More new footage
The up-close shot of the Cyclone Morpher
powering up is Sentai footage but after
that, it goes back to new footage.
More new footage of Fragra
This is almost certainly Sentai footage

These shots are definitely Sentai footage.

Back to new footage
Green's Helmet transition is Sentai stock footage.
However once the Super Samurai Helmet transition is complete, it then
goes back to new footage.
Here's some of that new footage

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I believe the black background sequence in which Cam (in Super Samurai
Mode) is calling for his Samurai Saber to actvate is new footage.
New footage of Fragra
before she's hit by the Power
Rangers-exclusive Green Super Samurai's Samurai Saber Finisher.
Fragra's explosive destruction is new footage as well.
Scroll does its typical thing on Earth. Flash of light. New Giant
Fragra footage as seen here:

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